Monday, September 30, 2013

Night Time Gardening

The days are getting shorter, the weather getting gloomy and the landscape getting spookier. I love this time of the year, but I honestly don't love too much working in the garden outside when it gets colder and rainier. So I leave that work to Mr. O, while I take care of the green house. It's definitely warmer, cozier and it's a more controllable environment. This is the first year I try getting some winter crops going so we can have food here all year round. We'll be having different kinds of squash, kale, swiss chard, brussels sprouts to mention some. We love food around here. Exiting!!!

 This is the green house from the outside. You can probably catch the view of our dog Radar, or at least his ears. He loves joining us while we garden, and any time really.

We clear out the beds

 It looks like a mess! Tomatoes were here last. We'll try to keep it more diverse next time.

All clean. Next thing will be to plant the starts I helped grow from seed before our little Matia Zucchini came along. What's your favorite thing to eat in the winter?
Happy Fall Gardening!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Reappearing / Summer recap

Wow! It has been like 5 months since I last posted here. I feel like it all happened with the blink of an eye. I was mostly focused on growing a baby, resting a lot and working on the garden and green house. Of course, the last project went out of control by the time the baby arrived 4 weeks ago, but I got to savor the joys of gardening all summer long. We also got to work on another major project I'll tell you all about really soon. In the meantime, here's a recap of what summer was all about around here in our homesteading bubble-land.

We got to  camp at our house since I was feeling too heavy to go backpacking or camping for real. Even though O. got a new set of stove for cooking (which also charges your phone while cooking... pretty fancy) and a new camping mattress and sleeping bags, so I could be really comfortable camping with a big belly, it just didn't worked out at the end. It was fun though to pretend to be somewhere else while sleeping in the tent on the deck watching the stars at night, and cooking with minimal set up using little pieces of wood and matches. 

We grew an herb and flowers spiral in the front yard.

Lots of time at home to play with these two! 

And then along came Matia Zucchini. Someday I'll tell you his birth tale, a 50 hour labor story that started at home with the intentions of staying, but ended up at the hospital. Beautiful birth though, no regrets.

And then we came home and the green house was totally overgrown, and the cover ripped off by the wind and rain. Yikes!

Yet the starts I planted for our winter crop were showing off!

 Lots of tomatoes!!!

And here we are, at the beginning of a new season, enjoying Mr O's harvest dinner. 
Happy Friday!